BRITISH COLUMBIA - Avanti Mining of Vancouver is projecting "robust economics" for its reopened Kitsault molybdenum mine, based on the results of a recent feasibility study prepared by AMEC. The property has an estimated measured and indicated resource of 298.8 million tonnes grading 0.072% Mo plus an inferred resource of 157.1 million tonnes grading 0.05% Mo. In the best-case scenario, the mine and plant would be ready for startup in early 2014 after an expenditure of US$770 million.
The study proposes an open pit that would supply 40,000 t/d to a conventional flotation mill with a SAG-ball mill-pebble crusher circuit. Moly concentrate would be dried and bagged for shipment. Mine life is estimated at 16 years during which time 326,160 tonnes of concentrate would be produced.
The former Kitsault mine is located about 140 km north of Prince Rupert. It was mined from 1968 to1972 and again in 1981-82. Total output during those years was 30 million lb of molybdenum.
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Larry Carlson
Iwas a past employee of Amax mines and had worked at Kitsault Mine from 1979to 1988 as General Mill Foreman and Property Manager during this time I had explored all areas that Avanti mine is going to mine.
The area they are going to put their tailings pond is an area that we had snow mobiled in it will cover some ponds and lakes that we use to fish in but apparently their enviroment study claims there are no fish in these lakes.
A carefull study of the Bell Moly area also may show a small hot spring area that we found during the winter in this area the snow was at least 6 feet deep and there was a area about 10 to 12 feet across that there was no snow looking down into this hole green grass was noted along with steam coming off a small puddle of water in the center of this hole in the snow which we thought was a small hot spring showing.
I hope these areas are not destroyed while mining them .