BRITISH COLUMBIA - SULTAN MINERALS of Calgary has cut high moly grades during its underground drilling program at the Jersey-Emerald project near Salmo. The company says all four holes it drilled encountered mineralization over their entire lengths, and the zone remains open at depth.
Results from the most recent holes were similar in grade to two earlier ones. The holes assayed 0.12% MoS2 over 66.14 metres, 0.12% over 72.32 metres, 0.07% over 75.59 metres, and 0.10% over 66.53 metres. Assays are pending for four additional holes.
The Jersey-Emerald property is located in southeastern B.C. It contains the former Emerald tungsten mine, which opened in 1943 and was later purchased and operated by PLACER DOME from 1947 to 1973, when it was closed due to low metal prices. Sultan holds 100% interest in the original property, and has expanded its holdings through additional staking and option agreements. A complete description is available at