MOLY MILLING – Blue Pearl strikes deal at Endako mill

BRITISH COLUMBIA - Toronto-based BLUE PEARL MINING has signed a deal to build a new circuit to process its ore at t...
BRITISH COLUMBIA - Toronto-based BLUE PEARL MINING has signed a deal to build a new circuit to process its ore at the Endako concentrator near Smithers. The deal was signed with Endako Mines, a joint venture of THOMPSON CREEK MINING of Idaho and SOJITZ MOLY RESOURCES of Vancouver.

Blue Pearl will build a 2,000-tonnes/day milling circuit to produce saleable molybdenum concentrate. Blue Pearl will pay for construction, operation and maintenance of the circuit. Endako will provide management, supplies and personnel to operate it. The first shipment of ore should reach the mill in the middle of 2007.

The Endako mine is 200 km from the company's Davidson project. Initially, ore will come from a portion of the deposit hosting 6.68 million tonnes of measured and indicated resources averaging 0.599% MoS2. This part of the deposit contains about 52.8 million lb of molybdenum. The total measured and indicated resource at the Davidson project is 75.3 million tonnes at 0.295% MoS2.

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