MINING SUSPENSION – Rockfall closes Copper Rand

QUEBEC - CAMPBELL RESOURCES of Montreal was forced to temporarily suspend mining at its Copper Rand gold-copper min...
QUEBEC - CAMPBELL RESOURCES of Montreal was forced to temporarily suspend mining at its Copper Rand gold-copper mine near Chibougamau following a rockfall, which occurred during the night shift overnight Feb. 21-22. There were no personal injuries or damage to equipment.

Reinforcement of the ground near the rockfall was initiated last week, and production will be gradually resumed by March 5, reaching normal levels within two weeks.

The Copper Rand mine has been in transition to an Alimak mining system. The ground fall took place in an area developed for the older mining system in the main cross-cut at level 4690. Campbell believes the new Alimak mining system, complete with a new paste fill system, will significantly improve ground conditions. (see


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