Toronto's VVC EXPLORATION announced the following appointments after its annual meeting: Daniel Grenier as president and CEO, Pierre Thibault as VP exploration, Patrick Fernet as VP legal and corporate affairs, and Michel Lefrance as CFO and secretary-treasurer.
Bill Enrico is the new VP operations for Vancouver-based SKYE RESOURCES. He will lead work at the Fenix nickel project in Guatemala.
NIOGOLD MINING of Val d'Or, Quebec, has named Jean Lafleur its new chairman following the resignation of former chairman Arden "Buck" Morrow who remains on the board.
William P. Armstrong has joined the board of Vancouver-based TASEKO MINES. He recently retired from Teck Cominco where he was general manager of resource evaluation.
Yani Roditis has been promoted to COO at GABRIEL RESOURCES of Toronto. He resides in Romania where the company is advancing its Rosia Montana gold project.
Following its annual meeting, CANADIAN SHIELD RESOURCES of Toronto noted the following appointments: Bernard Kraft as chairman, Lynda Bloom as president and CEO, and as independent directors, Len De Melt, Elizabeth Kirkwood and Eduardo Rebagliati.