TRUE NORTH GEMS of Vancouver has named Greg Davison its new VP exploration. A geology graduate of Dalhousie (BSc) and Brock (MSc) universities, he has nearly 30 years' experience searching for coloured gemstones, diamonds and metals around the world. Davison is also manager of Davis & Associates and a senior associate at Watts, Griffis & McOuat.
Claude Shimper has been appointed mine manager at the Stock Gold Complex belonging to ST ANDREW GOLDFIELDS. He was most recently regional manager at Redpath Contracting, and before that he was a project manager with Placer Dome at the Campbell, Musselwhite and Dome gold mines.
Vancouver-based FORTRESS MINERALS has a new president and CEO, Ron F. Hockstein. His credentials include a degree in metallurgical engineering and an MBA. Hochstein replaces former-president Steve Swatton who is pursuing an opportunity as head of business development at GNP Billiton World Exploration.
CANARC RESOURCE of Vancouver has announced the following appointments to its senior management team. Bruce Bried joins the company as VP mining and will divide his time in this role between Canarc and Endeavour as needed. James Moors moves up to the position of VP exploration to focus on the Benzdorp and New Polaris properties. Philip Yee adds the duties of CFO to his responsibilities as finance manager for the company.
Dean MacEachern is the new VP exploration for Timmins, Ont.-based CANADIAN ARROW MINES. He is tasked with implementing a regional exploration program and the mining of the Alex deposit. MacEachern is a former employee of Falconbridge.
Headquartered in Denver, Colo., APEX SILVER MINES has appointed Terry L. Own its senior VP project development. His first priority is the development of the company's 100%-owned San Cristobal silver-zinc-lead mine in Bolivia.
KENSINGTON RESOURCES of Vancouver has announced two new members of its board of directors. The first is William E. Zimmerman, former president of BHP Diamonds. The other is Christopher G. Baldwin, a corporate/commercial lawyer and partner in Lawson Lundell LLP.
Daniel Gagnier, senior VP of corporate and external affairs at Montreal-based ALCAN INC., has been appoint chairman of the INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Founded in Winnipeg in 1990, IISD is a not-for-profit policy and research organization that advances recommendations on trade and investment, economic policy, climate change, and natural resource management.