Following the federal election of Oct. 14, Prime Minister Stephen Harper has named Lisa Raitt from Halton, Ont., the new minister at NATURAL RESOURCES CANADA. She is the former president and CEO of the Toronto Port Authority. Raised in Cape Breton, N.S., she has degrees from St Francis Xavier University, the University of Guelph and Osgoode Hall Law School. She replaces Gary Lunn who becomes Junior Minister of State (Sport).
OROCO RESOURCE CORP. of Vancouver has named Ken Thorsen to the position of president and CEO. During his 40-year career, he has been directly involved at the field level with the discovery of three orebodies and at the management level with the discovery of three more. He is a former president of Teck Exploration.
Neil Halldorson has been named president and a director of Vancouver-based REDZONE RESOURCES. Michael Murphy becomes the company's VP corporate development.
Vancouver's ROCKHAVEN RESOURCES has made the following board and management changes: Matthew Turner, CEO; Ian Talbot, COO; and Robert Dinning, CFO. Former CEO James Stephen has resigned that position but will act as a consultant to the board.
XSTRATA NICKEL of Toronto has named a new VP operations in Sudbury. Marc Boissonneault succeeds Mike Romaniuk who is moving to Toronto as the company's VP of strategic projects. Boissonneault is a graduate of McMaster and Queen's universities, and was most recently director of Xstrata's Sudbury smelter.