MINING PEOPLE IN THE NEWS – Canplats, Colombian Mines, First Nickel, Gowest and Sprott Resource

David Watkins has joined the board of Vancouver-based CANPLATS RESOURCES. He holds geology degrees from Carleton an...
David Watkins has joined the board of Vancouver-based CANPLATS RESOURCES. He holds geology degrees from Carleton and Queen's universities. A former president of Minnova, he is also the chairman and CEO of Atna Resources.

COLOMBIAN MINES of Vancouver has named Robert G. Carrington as president. Nathan Tewalt will retain his post as CEO.

Toronto's FIRST NICKEL has named Gerry Bilodeau as VP operations. He joined the company as the general manager of its Sudbury operations in March 2007.

GOWEST AMALGAMATED RESOURCES announced the resignation of founder, president and CEO Ronald Bradshaw, effective at the end of April. The president's and CEO's roles will be taken up by Gregory Romain. The company is headquartered in Toronto.

Toronto-based SPROTT RESOURCE has asked Blaine Favel to become the president and CEO of its new, wholly owned subsidiary ONE EARTH RESOURCES. Favel brings to the company 18 years of experience in First Nations business development as an advisor, entrepreneur and chief.


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