Mining People: Canada Fluorspar, FPX Nickel, Max Resource, Onyx Gold, Silver Mountain

Management changes announced this week: Eben Visser has been appointed CEO of Canada Fluorspar. FPX Nickel reports that current and long-serving CFO and corporate secretary Chris […]
Management and board changes reported across the industry this week.




Management changes announced this week:

Eben Visser has been appointed CEO of Canada Fluorspar.

FPX Nickel reports that current and long-serving CFO and corporate secretary Chris Mitchell will retire on a flexible timeline in the second half of 2023 or early 2024. 

Bruce Counts is now VP of exploration for Max Resource.

Millennium Silver announced that Robert Drago has been appointed as president and CEO. 

Onyx Gold has announced a senior management team that includes president and CEO Brock Colterjohn, executive VP Ian Cunningham-Dunlop, VP exploration Conor McKinley, VP corporate communications Nicole Hoeller, strategic advisor John Robins, and technical advisor J. Garfield MacVeigh.

Silver Mountain Resources has appointed Alejandra Soto as CEO.

Board changes:

Arrow Exploration announced that Ian Langley accepted a seat on the board of directors.

Alan Edwards was appointed to the board of Elevation Gold Mining.

Lithium Energi Exploration announced that Daniel Blanks was named a company director, and Eamonn McInerney was named as the Arena Investors LP nominee to the board. 

Darren Timmer was appointed as a company director with Millennium Silver

Onyx Gold announced its board, including company founder and executive chairman Darwin GreenMichael CinnamondGwen Preston, and Kiran Patankar.

Origen Resources announced the appointment of Jason Cubitt to its board.

West Red Lake Gold Mines appointed Hugh Agro as independent director.

Xplore Resources was saddened to report the death of director David Walters.


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