Management appointments announced this week include:
Louis Langlois has been named president of Alcoa Canada. He will also represent the company on the board of the Aluminum Association of Canada.
Larry Donaldson of ATAC Resources has stepped down from the role of CFO to be replaced by on an interim basis by Andrew Carne, the company’s VP corporate and project development.
Brigadier Gold has appointed Heidi Gutte of Lichtenwald Professional as CFO and corporate secretary.
Cerrado Gold has appointed Dr. Sergio Gelcich VP exploration replacing Robert (Andy) Campbell who is retiring.
William M. Sheriff has been appointed interim president and CEO at Exploits Discovery following the resignation of Michael Collins. Also, Siri C. Genik will take a seat on the board.
Filo Mining has named Trevor D’Sa as VP corporate development and investor relations.
The new CEO at Hanna Capital is John Gould who was previously COO of First Uranium.
Orca Gold has announced two appointments – Emmanuel Abanyin as VP exploration and Elina Chow as VP corporate strategy.
Stuve Gold has named Gordon Aldcorn to the position of president.
Three Valley Copper is the new name for SRHI, and the company has named Joe Phillips as COO and Ian MacNeily as CFO.
James Crawford is now CEO at Upper Canada Mining in Calgary. He replaces Pal Haber who will continue as chairman of the company. Also, Geoff Marney takes over as VP corporate development, and Christina Rao becomes VP investor relations.
Board moves include:
Sam Pigott is joining the board of Arena Minerals.
Nicholas Tintor and Michael Bandrowski have joined the board of Bald Eagle Gold. Darren Collins will resigned his seat but remains CFO.
CMIC has elected Mark Thorpe, CEO of EnviroGold Global, as chair of the board. Former chair Gordon Bogden remains on the board.
General Gold Resources has named Garnet (Garry) Clark to its board of directors.
Quebec Precious Metals has named Paola Farnesi and Julie Roberts as directors.
Rio Tinto has named Ben Wyatt as non-executive director.
Sherritt International has appointed Leon Binedell to its board.
P.E. (Ted) Kavanagh has joined the board of Southern Empire Resources and Latika Prasad has resigned.