WESTERN AUSTRALIA - WESTERN AREAS NL, based in West Perth, will build a nickel sulphide concentrator at its Flying Fox mine as soon as environmental approvals and project financing can be arranged. The 250,000-tonnes/year plant may be commissioned by the end of 2006.
Western Areas has budgeted Aus$20 million to Aus$25 million for acquiring a plant, construction, tailings disposal and expanding the local village. Addition of sulphide processing capacity is part of the Stage Two expansion at Flying Fox.
The concentrator will be located at Cosmic Boy, 20 km south of Flying Fox. It will use the site of the plant that Outokumpu operated until 1999. The site has established infrastructure including electric power, roads, bore fields, tailings storage and an ore bin. During 2005, the company acquired substantial second-hand equipment for the plant, comprising sulphide flotation and filtration circuits, a SAG mill and conveyor systems, all in good condition. A crushing circuit for the plant is currently being sourced.
Detailed engineering design work is being undertaken by COMO ENGINEERS. The design includes capacity to enable future expansion that would accommodate ore from other potential sources nearby (e.g., Diggers South, New Morning/Daybreak).
Western Areas has a website at www.WesternAreas.com.au.