MINERAL PROCESSING: Construction begins on Newfoundland hydromet plant

NEWFOUNDLAND - The four-year construction project that will culminate in completion of Vale Inco's new hydrometallu...

NEWFOUNDLAND — The four-year construction project that will culminate in completion of Vale Inco's new hydrometallurgical plant has begun at Long Harbour, 120 km west of St. John's. At its peak in 2011 the project will employ 1,600 workers.


The $2.2 billion plant will treat concentrates from the Voisey's Bay nickel-copper-cobalt mine near Nain, NL. Since the plant will not be completed until 2013, Vale Inco agreed in February to lower output from Voisey's Bay until then. Meanwhile, concentrates are shipped to Sudbury, ON, for treatment. The processing of concentrates in Newfoundland and Labrador was a key provision made in return for the province's approval of mine development.


Vale Inco says that despite weakness in metals projects, this is a good time to build the hydrometallurgical plant. Skilled workers who left the province for jobs in other places, notably the Alberta oil sands, have returned and will be most welcome at the project.


The company said it will also award 45 major construction contracts at the plant site. Go to www.ValeInco.com/for_suppliers/ to learn how your company can become a supplier.


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