BOULDER, Colorado ANALYTICAL SPECTRAL DEVICES (ASD), manufacturer of rapid precision analytical and quality control instruments, has introduced its new ultra-rugged TerraSpec created specifically for analysis of rocks and soils. TerraSpec logs core; analyzes outcrops, blastholes, and hand samples; collects soil grids and profiles; and maps pit benches, vector mineralization, and remote sensing ground truth. It is an ideal tool for analysis of a wide cross section of deposit types from epithermal to porphyries, kimberlites, IOCG, carbonate-hosted base metals, greenschist belts, shear veins, skarns, and disseminated gold systems.
TerraSpec is a compact and field-portable precision instrument with a full spectral range (350-2,500 nm), a 5-nm spectral resolution, and rapid data collection (0.10 second per spectrum). Including ASD's fibre optic mineral probe, the TerraSpec system is lightweight, ultra-rugged, and affordable.
SPECTRAL INTERNATIONAL ( is the exclusive distributor of TerraSpec for the mineral industry.