MINE EXPANSION – Xstrata Nickel to double Raglan output

QUEBEC - XSTRATA NICKEL of Toronto has plans to double the output from its Raglan nickel-copper mine in Nunavik. Ta...



QUEBEC - XSTRATA NICKEL of Toronto has plans to double the output from its Raglan nickel-copper mine in Nunavik. Target output is 2.0 million tonnes of ore annually, which will make Raglan one of the world's largest nickel mines with output of nearly 50,000 t/y of contained nickel in concentrate. The current production rate of 1.1 million tonnes will grow to1.3 million t/y by the end of 2008; further increases will begin in 2011.

Results from the current drilling program have added approximately 2.0 million tonnes of inferred resources at 3.0% Ni in Zone 5-8, including an intersection of 63 metres at 4.4% Ni and 1.6% Cu. Zone 5-8 has now replaced Katinniq as the largest ore zone, with a preliminary estimate of the current inferred resource of 10.0 million tonnes at 3.2% Ni, 0.8% Cu, 0.08% Co, 0.9 g/t Pt and 2.1 g/t Pd, or 4.0% NiEq.

Read more about the expansion of the Raglan mine in the September 2007 issue of CMJ.


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