LITHIUM: Nemaska begins definition drilling at Whabouchi project

QUEBEC – Montreal-based Nemaska Lithium has begun a $1.5 million definition drilling campaign at the Whabouchi lithium project 300 km northwest of […]
QUEBEC – Montreal-based Nemaska Lithium has begun a $1.5 million definition drilling campaign at the Whabouchi lithium project 300 km northwest of Chibougamau, in the James Bay region. The goal is to increase the existing resources and extend the potential life of a mine. The company has taken a three-pronged approach to the drill program.
  • Convert 4.69 million tonnes of inferred resources inside the pit plan to indicated material and perhaps add 15% to 25% to reserves;
  • Increase the confidence level in the resources from the surface to 200 metres and perhaps increase the potential volume of the block model by 20% to 25%; and
  • Confirm the continuity of the longitudinal zone down to a vertical depth of 500 metres with the potential boost the resources there by 30% to 45%.
The program involves 44 holes and a total of 13,700 metres. It should be complete by September. The current measured and indicated resource is 27.9 million tonnes averaging 1.57% Li2O, and the inferred resource is 4.69 million tonnes averaging 1.51% Li2O. Details of the feasibility study are available at


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