Attention : to the Editor
Dear Sirs,
In an article published by your (NetNews) media on August 28, 2012 entitled :
‘Polymetallic Exploration : Murray Brook deposit yields long and strong intersections’,
the last paragraph reads as follows :
‘The Murray Brook project is operated by Murray Brook Minerals, a private company, owned by El Nino Ventures and Votorantim Metals Canada, a subsidiary of the Votorantim Group, a Brazilian zinc, nickel and aluminium producer.’
This information is wrong. Therefore, would you please rectify the above paragraph in your next issue of Canadian Mining Journal as follows:
The Murray Brook project is operated by Votorantim Metal Canada Inc. under a Joint Venture Agreement with Murray Brook Minerals Inc. The Murray Brook project is presently owned at 70% by Votorantim Metals Canada Inc. and 30% by Murray Brook Minerals Inc. Votorantim has a Participation Agreement with El Nino Ventures by which the Votorantim 70% interest is shared 50-50 with El Nino Ventures. Murray Brook Minerals Inc. is a private exploration company which entertains successful business relations with Votorantim Metal Canada Inc. MBM owns presently a 30% undivided interest in the Murray Brook Deposit and Camel Back property as well as other mining properties in Canada, including the Legacy Copper Deposit located in the Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick.
With our best regards,
Jean Jacques Treyvaud,
President and CEO