NORTHWEST TERRITORIES - TAMERLANE VENTURES of Blaine, Washington, has acquired 100% interest in the Pine Point property on the southern shore of Great Slave Lake in the Northwest Territories. Pine Point produced almost 4.4 billion lb of lead and 10.0 billion lb of zinc from 1965 to 1986. Over 64 million tonnes of ore were mined from more than 50 separate orebodies.
Tamerlane is now working on a feasibility study and bulk sample test of the R-190 deposit. The company anticipates using freeze perimeter technology to cut water pumping costs and dense media separation technology in the mill. Tamerlane plans to access the R-190 deposit using a shallow vertical shaft located within the freeze perimeter and deliver the ore to surface from an underground primary crusher using a vertical lift conveyor. The conveyor has a planned capacity of up to 400 tonnes/hour and mining is planned at a rate of 2,800 tonnes/day. Bulk sample production is expected to commence by the end of 2007.
Tamerlane first became interested in Pine Point in 2004. The property is known to host 34 drill-delineated deposits that have not been mined.
More information is available from the investor relations department. Contact either Graham Eacott ( or Tom Thomsen (