LABRADOR – Alderon Iron Ore Corp. of Vancouver has reached a milestone at its Kami iron ore project with the filing of the environmental impact statement for the proposed mine. The EIS provides technical analysis and a thorough assessment of the predicted effects of the project on the biophysical and human environments. The document was filed with both the federal and provincial governments.
The Kami project has several zones that each have a hematite rich and a magnetite rich component. The Rose Central zone has an indicated resource of 376.1 million tonnes grading 29.8% Fe and an inferred resource of 46.0 million tonnes grading 29.8% Fe. The indicated portion of the Mills Lake zone is 114.1 million tonnes grading 30.5% Fe, and the inferred resource is 71.9 million tonnes grading 30.7% Fe. At the Rose North zone, an inferred resource of 479.9 million tonnes at 30.3% Fe has been estimated.
Alderon’s preliminary economic assessment based only on the Rose Central deposit estimates a pre-production capital expenditure of $988.9 million. Construction could begin in November 2013 with plant start up expected at the end of October 2015. The plant will have a capacity of 8.9 million tonnes of concentrate per year.
The latest technical report, dated October 2011, is posted at