QUEBEC — ArcelorMittal Mines Canada says its Mont-Wright iron ore mine and concentration will suspend production for four weeks beginning July 26. The pellet plant at Port Cartier will suspend operations on July 16, but handling and ship loading will continue.
The shutdown also effects the rail line between Mont-Wright and Port Cartier. Transportation of iron ore will be suspended so that track maintenance can take place.
Arcelor is encouraging its employees to take their vacations during the shutdown, although some personnel will be required at for security and maintenance purposes. The Mont-Wright mine employs about 1,000 people.
"This temporary production stoppage will allow us to liquidate our inventories and plan for operations resuming based on the day-to-day market conditions which remain extremely volatile," Arcelor VP and COO Serge Miller said in a news release. "We are sparing no effort to minimize the temporary production stoppage. We will carefully monitor market conditions and will continue to keep our employees posted on the situation."
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