TORONTO - PLATINEX has served a notice of motion for leave to appeal the Ontario Superior Court's July 28, 2006, decision denying the company an injunction and granting an interim injunction to KITCHENUHMAYKOOSIB INNINUWUG (KI). (See CMJ Net News, June 7, 2006.)
Platinex had sought an injunction to keep the KI from interfering with its exploration activities on the Bit Trout Lake property in northern Ontario. The KI filed an injunction to prevent Platinex form working the claims. At the same time it refused to grant Platinex an injunction, the court ordered the two sides and the Provincial Crown to engage in discussions to develop an agreement by which Platinex may proceed at Big Trout Lake. Despite its appeal of the court ruling, Platinex is willing to begin talks with both the KI and Crown.
Under subsection 129(4) of the Mining Act RSO 1990 c.M.14, as amended, the Mining and Lands Commissioner has ordered that effective April 18, 2006, Platinex's mining claims are to remain in good standing until the legal proceedings are resolved.
More about the Big Trout Lake project and Platinex's press releases about the legal proceedings are available at