HOT TOPIC: What do you think of Chinese investment in Canada?

Chinese investment in the Canadian resource sector is here to stay. What do you think of the about that?Read...



Chinese investment in the Canadian resource sector is here to stay. What do you think of the about that?

Readers are urged to go to the CMJ website,, and find the Hot Topic Opinions half-way down on the left hand side of the page to vote.

If you have a comment on this topic or a suggestion for a future question, please send it to the Net News editor, Marilyn Scales,

Last week: For two weeks we have polled our readers as to how much easier it is now to raise money than it was over the last two years. So few responded that the results probably don't mean much, but here they are. Thirty-six per cent found raising money about the same, 27% believe it is a little easier now, and 18% find it much, much easier. Another 18% of readers are say money is tougher to find.


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