Approximately 70 mining sector financings closed in May 2010. The largest was Banro Corp.'s sale of common shares worth $137.6-million, and the smallest was Apogee Minerals' $96,100 sale of special units. After the market collapse of 2008, investors are again showing strong interest in the mineral sector. Our question this week is: If you made an equity investment today, which type of mineral exploration, development or producing company would give you the best return in the short term?
Please go to the CMJ home page,, and find the Hot Topic Opinions question half-way down on the left hand side of the page to vote.
The fact that one or more hedge fund short sellers would literally destroy Banro’s common in both the US – where it frankly does not trade at all! – and Canada, where it trades fairly heavily, less than a week after its new offer was comfortably oversubscribed shows why Bullying Shorts are detested by everybody else on the planet.
And why complete transparency and disclosure of all short positions is an absolute necessity in world markets right now.
I’d like whoever put on this MALICE short – because that’s what it amounts to – in Banro to come forward and own up to it. And to state whether it is a naked short or if shares were loaned from other entities’ accounts. If so, which entities?
Gold is likely to perform beautifully, not only as per usual towards the end of this year, but possibly throughout this summer, moving into an entirely new higher range.
What a pity and a shame if every shareholder in the sector is allowed to benefit from this except Banro shareholders, especially if the short in question is naked.
I would like some answers, amd others should be pressing for answers, too.