Greenpeace invaded another oil sands producer, Suncor's operations, on Wed., Sept. 30. Greenpeace said that it had blockaded two bitumen conveyor belts to, in its words, "…highlight the climate crime of tar sands operations."
When protestors, spurred on by emotion rather than science, occupy a company's place of business, should they be liable for damages to the premises or equipment, lost production, and other costs the company incurs in dealing with them?
To choose, please go to the CMJ webpage,, and click on the Hot Topic box on the right hand side.
As always reader comments are welcome. Send them to the Net News editor, Marilyn Scales,
Last week: CMJ readers who answered last week's Hot Topic question concerning the safety of oil sands workers were split on whether they are vulnerable during protests or to the actions of terrorists. Fifty-eight per cent of respondents said "no", and 42% said "yes" to the question of whether their safety is an issue.