HOT TOPIC: Investing in individual projects

Floating equity issues in individual mining projects is not a new idea, but it is one that might be used again...

Floating equity issues in individual mining projects is not a new idea, but it is one that might be used again to develop promising deposits to meet anticipated future demand in a few years.


Do you think this mechanism could be used again to finance mine development? To vote go to and click on the Hot Topic box on the right hand side of the page.


As always reader comments are welcome. Send them to the Net News editor, Marilyn Scales,


Last week we inquired as to how the number of summer jobs available at our reader's operation or office compared to last year. We thought the trend would be downward due to the bleak economic situation of the past nine months, and we were right.


Of the respondents, 43% indicated that were significantly fewer opportunities. Taken together with the 10% who noted there were a few less jobs and the 14% who said there were none this year, two out of three readers said there were fewer openings.


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