Once more Quebec is the best place in the world to explore for minerals, says the Fraser Institute. Five other Canadian provinces were among the top 10 locales. Considering Quebec and the five other Canadian provinces that are among top 10, which of these is your favourite place to explore?
Please go to the CMJ website, www.CanadianMiningJournal.com, and find the Hot Topic Opinions half-way down on the left hand side of the page to vote.
If you have a comment on this topic or a suggestion for a future question, please send it to the Net News editor, Marilyn Scales, MScales@CanadianMiningJournal.com.
Last week CMJ asked its readers whether or not they welcome Chinese investment in Canadian resource projects. The "no" voters started out strong and finished slightly ahead of the "yes" voters, 57% to 43% respectively.