What do CMJ readers think of the planned expansion of conservation areas in northeast Alberta?
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Roy Rupert
For years governing parties have maintained a policy of buying voters with their own money. The new and more popular trend is to buy the Green vote with the voters’ own land. However there is no auditor reviewing this process, and most people really cannot figure or envision the difference between a million hectares, 150000 acres and a million square km. Their eyes just glaze over with these numbers. A park is a park is a park, just like the 1 ha. memorial park down by the pond in the city.
Many people with an inclination to favour green policies will approve any withdrawal with no concious evaluation of the consequences.
We really need a land use audit procedure with an impartial auditor just like the auditor general.
Jack de la Vergne
If it supports this absurdity, the Alberta Government has green delusions.
I know parkland when I see it and I saw it nowhere near the Tar Sands. This is the land God gave to Cain.
Remember Windy Craggy? Now there is a parkland! – and today it is a park built on an ore deposit. But the only visitors to this park are the wealthy elite. Who else can afford the $20,000 it costs to visit?
Alberta needs a park near the Tar Sands about as much as Newfoundland needs to build a seal hatchery.