NEWPORT NEWS, VIRGINIA - LIEBHERR MINING EQUIPMENT finished out 2005 with a bang, or rather the sale of 28 more of its Ultra Class T282B trucks. This model has a payload of 360 tonnes, making it the world's biggest AC drive truck. It has a top speed of 64 km/hour.
SYNCRUDE CANADA ordered 12 more T282B trucks, bringing their total to 27. The new trucks have heated bodies and 3,650 gross hp engines. They will be put to work hauling oil sands and overburden north of Fort McMurray, Alta.
The CORTEZ JOINT VENTURE gold mine (BARRICK GOLD and RIO TINTO) in Nevada enlarged its fleet of Liebherr trucks with the addition of 16 more T282Bs. They will be delivered throughout this year and next.
Learn more about Liebherr mining trucks and other earthmoving equipment at