GRINDING: Nominate best technical paper for CEEC Medal

AUSTRALIA – The Coalition for Eco Efficient Commutation (CEEC) is seeking nominations for the best technical paper on the topic of energy efficient […]
AUSTRALIA – The Coalition for Eco Efficient Commutation (CEEC) is seeking nominations for the best technical paper on the topic of energy efficient comminution. Published papers, articles or case studies are eligible for the 2016 CEEC Medal, the pre-eminent global award recognizing  advances in grinding efficiency. The winning entry will receive global exposure in a technical magazine, and the author(s) will be acknowledged as such in CEEC media releases, newsletters and on the website. The company that employs the winner will be allowed to display the CEEC Medal on letterhead, newsletters, investor bulletins, etc. The medal will be presented at a public industry event. Previous medal winners include discussions of the grinding circuit at the Antamina and Huckleberry mines, high intensity blasting, and ore pre-concentration. Submissions must be of a standard suitable for technical review and written and/or presented within the past 18 months. Visit CEEC’s website to find the details for submission. Applications close on March 15, 2016.


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