Here come the holidays, celebrated in as many ways as we have loyal readers.
The end of the year is packed with festivities. There was Ramadan (Oct. 4 to Nov. 3) and the Eid-al Fitr on Nov. 4 celebrated by the Muslims. December features several Christian festivals culminating in Christmas Day on Dec. 25, and topped off with Boxing Day on Dec. 26. The Jewish festival of Hanukkah runs from Dec. 26 to Jan. 2. The secular gala of Kwanza runs from Dec. 26 to Jan. 1. And on Dec. 31, we all look forward to ringing in 2006.
This is the traditional time to reconnect with family and friends, expand our culinary expertise, exchange gifts and, for many of us, take a break from work.
No matter what your plans, we at CMJpublisher Ray Perks, editor Jane Werniuk, field editor Marilyn Scales, art director David Young, western sales rep Ron Sanderson, inside sales rep Victor Buklis, circulation manager Cindi Holder, and production managers Jessica Jubb and Phyllis Wrightwish each of our readers Happy Holidays and all the best for the New Year.