GRAPHITE: Canada Carbon to sample old Miller mine

QUEBEC – Canada Carbon of Vancouver has applied for a permit to take a bulk sample from the former Miller graphite mine 80 km west of Montreal. The Miller mine was first worked around 1845, making it probably the earliest graphite...

QUEBEC – Canada Carbon of Vancouver has applied for a permit to take a bulk sample from the former Miller graphite mine 80 km west of Montreal. The Miller mine was first worked around 1845, making it probably the earliest graphite producer in what was to become Canada.

Canada Carbon says much is unknown about the property – how much graphite it produced and what the remaining resources may be. There are multiple stockpiles of graphite bearing material containing 640 tonnes of graphite vein mineralization in marble, paragneiss and wollastonite, and well as 5 tonnes of high grade lump graphite.

The company is seeking environmental permission for a large surface trench to expose the mineralized contact between the paragneiss and the marble. Drilling will also test the mineralization at depth.

More details and maps of the Miller property are posted at


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