QUEBEC - Vancouver-based AURIZON MINES LTD. is pleased with the updated feasibility study for its Casa Berardi project 95 km north of La Sarre. The latest figures, prepared by ROSCOE POSTLE ASSOCIATES, reflect a substantial increase in reserves and a 6% reduction in total cash costs, the company said in it news release.
The recent report estimates puts total indicated mineral resources at 2.7 million tonnes grading 5.11 g/t Au plus inferred resources of 5.6 million tonnes at 6.5 g/t Au (1.2 million contained oz of gold). Preproduction capital costs are estimated at $102.6 million, and sustaining capital costs would be $36.9 million. Average annual gold production over a 6.2-year mine life would be 175,000 oz after a 19-month construction period.
Aurizon has been redeveloping the former producer and has already invested $23 million of the necessary preproduction outlay. Site construction is 80% complete, including a new headframe. Rehabilitation work at the gravity-CIL mill is also underway to treat 1,600 tonnes/day at start-up and expand to 2,200 tonnes/day over the life of the mine.
The technical staff for the operation have been hired. Their pictures and bios appear on the website