QUEBEC – Rouyn-Noranda, Que.-based
Chibougamau Independent Mines has been channel sampling its 100% owned Berrigan polymetallic property 4 km northwest of Chibougamau with enviable success.

The Berrigan property was explored and drilled since the 1940s with gold, zinc, silver and lead reported in the cores. Chibougamau is undertaking detailed structural mapping in the area of the Berrigan adit to understand the directional controls of the mineralization.
Detailed mapping of the 150- by 100-metre area shows that the bedrock consists mostly of Cummins Sill Complex peridotite. Mineralization includes pyrrhotite, sphalerite, galena, lesser pyrite and occasionally minor chalcopyrite in deformed sills which create a series of large (up to 22-metres wide) peridotite blocks with minimal displacement.
Here are some of the assay highlights from the exposed mineralized areas that were sampled:
- 19.71 g/t gold, 289.20 g/t silver, 0.72% copper, 16.79% zinc and 17.75% lead;
- 17.91 g/t gold, 131.00 g/t silver, 0.22% copper, 9.97% zinc and 2.30% lead; and
- 10.76 g/t gold, 133.00 g/t silver, 0.03% copper, 6.78% zinc and 6.79% lead.
Note that no trenching was done, so no estimate of true widths has been made.
The detailed table of the sample results can be found in the news release dated Oct. 2 2017, posted at