GOLD-SILVER: Integra planning $10M exploration program at DeLamar

IDAHO – Toronto-based Integra Resources is planning a $10-million exploration program at its DeLamar gold-silver project in the southwest part of the […]
Colloform textured breccia veins from the DeLamar property. (Image: Integra Resources)
IDAHO – Toronto-based Integra Resources is planning a $10-million exploration program at its DeLamar gold-silver project in the southwest part of the state next year. The 2018 program aims to test the down-dip and strike extensions of the historic high grade veins. [caption id="attachment_1003721098" align="alignright" width="300"] Colloform textured breccia veins from the DeLamar property. (Image: Integra Resources)[/caption] The DeLamar underground mine was active from 1889 to 1914 when it produced about 700,000 oz. of gold and 50 million oz. of silver. It was mined as an open pit from 1977 to 1999 by Kinross Gold. A 43-101-compliant inferred resource estimate, using a 0.3 g/t gold equivalent cut-off, puts the tonnage at 117.9 million tonnes grading 0.41 g/t gold and 24.34 g/t silver. The resource contains 1.6 million oz. of gold and 91.9 million oz. of silver or 2.7 million oz. of gold equivalent. Integra says next year’s drill program will be the first conducted at DeLamar in 25 years. An induced polarization-resistivity survey of the property has been completed as has bench scale heap leach metallurgical tests of the low grade, near surface mineralization. An updated resource estimate is due by the end of 2018 and a preliminary economic assessment in 2019. Integra’s November 2017 corporate presentation includes the DeLamar project. Please visit


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