VANDERHOOF, British Columbia The 3Ts project in the central part of this province is the target of continuing int...


VANDERHOOF, British Columbia The 3Ts project in the central part of this province is the target of continuing interest by SOUTHERN RIO RESOURCES. No wonder. Late last month, gold mineralization was drilled in the Mint zone, previously untested by the company.

Six shallow holes drilled in the Mint zone encountered wide zones of quartz-veins in altered rhyolite host rocks. At a depth of 59.0 m, Hole TT-27 returned 2.0 m grading 8.08 g/t Au and 80.4 g/t Ag (gold equivalent grade of 9.42 g/t). Hole TT-25 returned 2.0 m at 5.48 g/t Au and 127.3 g/t Ag, and 1.5 m at 3.89 g/t Au and 42.6 g/t Ag. These high-grade intervals occur within more extensive lower grade material in a wide zone of altered, quartz-veined rock. The zone is open along strike and at depth, and could represent a potential bulk mining situation given the shallow overburden and 150-m-wide alteration zone.

The 3Ts project includes the contiguous Tsacha, Tam and Taken properties. It covers a 34-sq-km property containing low-sulphidation, epithermal-style systems similar to others that host successful precious metals mines. Earlier, Southern Rio announced that core from the Ted vein returned 28.9 m grading 3.78 g/t Au and 137.5 g/t Ag. The Ted vein has now been traced for over 300 m along strike, with true widths between 8 and 14 m. Mineralization is potentially economic for either open pit or underground mining scenarios, providing additional tonnages of similar material can be defined.

The current estimate of inferred resources is 470,700 tonnes at 7.40 g/t Au and 65.2 g/t Ag. Drilling will continue this summer. For pictures of the 3Ts project, visit and go to the Projects section.


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