QUEBEC - Aurizon Mines of Vancouver has updated the resources estimate for the Principal area between the Casa Berardi East and West gold mines near Val d'Or. Results of the infill drill program boosted measured and indicated resources in the pit to 5.35 tonnes at an average grade of 4.02 g/t Au. That is up 94% from the end of last year, or an additional 335,000 oz.
Underground measured and indicated mineral resources outside the pit shell decreased slightly to 719,000 tonnes grading 6.99 g/t Au.
The gold mineralization at Casa Berardi occurs in multiple lenses dipping slightly south located on both sides of the Casa Berardi Break, says Aurizon. The gold-bearing zones extend for more than 825 metres along the length of the Principal area deposit.
A sketch showing the updated resource outline for the Principal area is available on Aurizon's website ( or at