GOLD RESOURCES – Cameron Lake closer to production

ONTARIO - NUINSCO RESOURCES of Toronto has updated the resource and found a mill for its Cameron Lake project near ...
ONTARIO - NUINSCO RESOURCES of Toronto has updated the resource and found a mill for its Cameron Lake project near Kenora. The property was partially developed with a production ramp and on three levels by previous owners.

The company has increased the measured and indicated resource 29% to 748,000 tonnes grading 6.47 g/t Au. The inferred resource is up 72% to 1.8 million tonnes grading 4.99 g/t Au.

Nuinsco did not specify where it had found the 700-t/d mill it acquired, but said it may move the mill to Cameron Lake. In that case, it could treat ore from not only Cameron Lake but also several other deposits in the area.

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