Appalaches of Rimouski, QC, is on its way to commercial production in 2014 at its Dufferin gold mine and mill northeast of Halifax.
Appalaches says the current mine rehabilitation activity has reached the second level, with water, air and dewatering lines operations. Both the primary and secondary underground ventilation systems are operational.
The crushing circuit equipment has been tested and requires only minor work to become fully operational. The circuit will be tested on a continuous basis in August. Meanwhile the refurbishing of the other mill components and flotation circuit continue.
Mining equipment – including a scissor lift, 3.5-yd load-haul-dumper, and 16-tonne haul truck have been delivered.
Appalaches said it is also vetting more than 460 applications for the 60 jobs that remain to be filled.
The latest presentation and top-quality photos of the Dufferin project are available at
Christopher Caine
“The crushing circuit equipment has been tested and requires only minor work to become fully operational.” “Mining equipment — including a scissor lift, 3.5-yd load-haul-dumper, and 16-tonne haul truck have been delivered.” – Am I correct in thinking there seems to be a miss-fit here? Equipment has been delivered but they’re not fully operational yet?
Why don’t they just import some competitively priced mining equipment that can fulfill the same role? I use Pilot Crushtec from South Africa as a prime example( – It doesn’t make sense to me that these industries continue to spend large sums of money on getting this equipment up and running instead of a once off purchase of a more than capable set of industrial assets that require little maintenance at all before operational. Just seems to be rather disappointing but perhaps I’m misunderstanding? Would love some insight please…