GOLD MINING: Expansion coming to KL Gold’s South mine

ONTARIO KIRKLAND LAKE GOLD (KL Gold), of the town of the same name, has decided to bring its high-grade South min...
ONTARIO KIRKLAND LAKE GOLD (KL Gold), of the town of the same name, has decided to bring its high-grade South mine complex into production on a seven-day-a-week basis at an initial rate of 385 t/d. Production from existing and additional stopes will boost annual output to 100,000 oz of gold.

KL Gold has signed a letter of intent with contractor J.S. REDPATH to facilitate work towards startup in early-January 2009. Work will include tracked and trackless development, ore production, mechanized and timbered raises, and infrastructure development. Production is expected to increase to 650 t/d of high-grade ore by March 2009.

KL Gold bought the former Macassa gold mine, mill and infrastructure along with four other former gold producers in December 2001. Further information is available at


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