GOLD MILL CONSTRUCTION – New Siberian Home for Plant

NEVADA - Toronto-based HIGH RIVER GOLD MINES has begun dismantling and reconditioning the Mill 4 plant it recently...
NEVADA - Toronto-based HIGH RIVER GOLD MINES has begun dismantling and reconditioning the Mill 4 plant it recently acquired from a NEWMONT MINING operation near Carlin. The mill will be shipped to the Berezitovy gold project in the Amur Region of southern Siberia. All pieces are expected to be at their new home by March 2005.

The Mill 4 plant includes a crusher, SAG mill, ball mill, mineral processing circuits and electrical switchgear. When High River struck its deal with Newmont, it also obtained spare parts, a jaw crusher and an overland conveyor system.

Details of the Berezitovy project were outlined in the CMJ Net News of June 23, 2004. You can search for this article at


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