GOLD MERGER NEWS Comaplex & WMC Subsidiary

CALGARY, Alberta COMAPLEX MINERALS has agreed to take over WMC INTERNATIONAL, the wholly-owned Canadian subsidiar...
CALGARY, Alberta COMAPLEX MINERALS has agreed to take over WMC INTERNATIONAL, the wholly-owned Canadian subsidiary of WMC RESOURCES of Australia. The move increases Comaplex's share of the Meliadine West gold project in Nunavut to 78%. The deal is scheduled to close Oct. 1, 2003.

Comaplex is eager to proceed with the feasibility study on Meliadine West. It will enter into discussions with CUMBERLAND RESOURCES, which holds 22% of the Meliadine West and 50% of the Meliadine East deposits, toward that end.

For further information contact Comaplex president George F. Fink at 403-265-2846.


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