GOLD: Lake Shore expands mineralization at Whitney project

ONTARIO – Toronto-based Lake Shore Gold says results from the first 13 holes of a new surface drilling program at the Whitney […]
Regional geology showing the Whitney property.






ONTARIO – Toronto-based Lake Shore Gold says results from the first 13 holes of a new surface drilling program at the Whitney gold project have confirmed and expanded mineralization to the west and at depth. [caption id="attachment_1003713447" align="alignleft" width="300"]Regional geology showing the Whitney property. Regional geology showing the Whitney property.[/caption] The Whitney property is south of the company’s Bell Creek complex near Timmins. Drilling to so far has been in the 110 zone, a shallow, high grade structure located south of the old Hallnor shaft. To the west, intercepts of 29.42 g/t Au over 12.0 metres, 8.45 g/t over 9.5 metres, and 6.45 g/t over 9.2 metres were recorded. At depth, intercepts of 4.62 g/t Au over 3.1 metres and 3.02 g/t over 10.7 metres were made. Lake Shore also drilled the north volcanics area approximately 430 metres west of the 110 zone. Assays from this region indicate the potential to extend near surface resource both to the north and at depth. Intercepts of 3.20 g/t Au over 7.2 metres, 1.21 g/t over 15.0 metres, and 3.02 g/t over 8.5 metres were made. The company has two drills working at the site as part of a 30,000-metre program. Please see


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