ONTARIO NORTHGATE MINERALS CORP. of Vancouver continues to intersect good gold grades at its Young-Davidson property near Matachewan. The deposit was mined from 1934 to 1955 by Hollinger Mines.
Northgate noted some highlights of this year's drilling. Hole YD06-18, the second-best on the property, assayed 8.92 g/t Au over 66.60 metres (including 33.49 g/t over 9.91 metres and 16.45 g/t over 6.10 metres). Four drills are currently at work on the property.
The 2006 exploration campaign is designed to delineate additional gold resources in the region surrounding and below the known zones of inferred resources and to increase the overall geologic confidence of these resources, resulting in a new property resource statement at the end of 2006. This will be accomplished by drilling 610- to 1,525-metre diamond drill holes from surface which will intersect the syenite host rock at depths of 305 to 1,220 metres.
A contemporary history (including photos taken in 1955) of the Young-Davidson mine is posted at www.NorthgateMinerals.com.