GOLD EXPLORATION: Work begins at Engineer mine

BRITISH COLUMBIA - BCGold Corp. of Vancouver has begun phase one of the $1.5-million exploration and develop program at is Engineer high grade gold mine, in which it has a 60% interest and an option to earn 100%. The property lies 30 km west of...






BRITISH COLUMBIA - BCGold Corp. of Vancouver has begun phase one of the $1.5-million exploration and develop program at is Engineer high grade gold mine, in which it has a 60% interest and an option to earn 100%. The property lies 30 km west of Atlin and is a former producer.

The phase one program includes limited underground rehabilitation and dewatering of the lower mine workings, bulk sampling from surface trenching and underground, test mining to optimize head grade, and optimization of the 30-t/d pilot mill circuit. Phase one is part of a $10.2-million exploration and development program recommended by Snowden Mining Industry Consultants.

Visit the BCGold website,, for the history and other details about the Engineer mine.


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