NORTHERN QUEBEC - CENTURY MINING CORP. of Blaine, Wash., has begun a three-phase underground exploration and development program at the former Lamaque gold mine adjacent to its Sigma gold mine near Val d'Or. The company hopes to restart production at the mine, which produced more than 4.5 million oz of gold between 1935 and 1985.
Century says its plans will cost approximately $10.6 million. Phase 1 is underway now, including inspection of the No.2 shaft and decline to the 1200 level and the refurbishment of the underground services. Phase 2 will cover development of selected ore targets near the No.2 shaft and dewatering of the No.7 shaft. Work completed during Phase 2 will also result in the production of 5,000 to 10,000 oz of gold. Phase 3, which is to kick in during 2007, includes upgrading the hoist, underground fleet, conveyors and mining at the No.7 shaft area.
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