NORTHERN ONTARIO - As people say, "If you want to find gold, look in a gold mine." That is exactly what KIRKLAND LAKE GOLD has been doing; it has come up with some spectacular assays from the area of the No.2 shaft at its Macassa mine. Drilling in the hanging wall has returned 15.36 opt over 1.0 foot, 22.32 opt over 2.0 feet (within a 12-foot section averaging 4.95 opt), and 16.25 opt over 2.2 feet.
The preceding figures are all in ounces, not grams. For the metrically inclined, the numbers are thus: 526.54 g/t Au over 0.30 metre, 765.13 g/t over 0.61 metre Au (within a 3.65-metre section averaging 169.70 g/t Au), and 572.48 g/t Au over 0.67 metre.
Kirkland Lake's most recent press release is full of encouraging drill results from Macassa and the Main Break at the former Kirkland Minerals property. Reading it at would be a well-spent few minutes. The company is reporting numbers in ounces that are usually attached to grams/tonne.