NORTHERN ONTARIO - PELANGIO MINES of Toronto reports it has cored 2.3 metres that graded 126.4 g/t Au from the former Detour Lake gold mine. Included within that intersection was a 0.5-metre length that assayed 574.15 g/t. The intersection was part of a 11.0-metre-long core that averaged 5.43 g/t Au.
Pelangio's 2005-06 winter drill program tested for higher gold grades in quartz zones occurring in the hanging wall adjacent to the main horizon previously mined. The area contains a significant amount of coarse gold, with visible gold noted in 35 separate areas.
PLACER DOME opened the Detour Lake mine in 1983 and operated it until 1999. According to figures assembled in May 2005, the property still contains 1.76 million oz of gold in 11.00 million tonnes averaging 4.98 g/t Au.
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