GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS Matamec Optimistic on Lower Eastmain

VAL D'OR, Que. MATAMEC is acquiring a 100% interest in a gold property at Lac Village in the Lower Eastmain. The...


VAL D'OR, Que. MATAMEC is acquiring a 100% interest in a gold property at Lac Village in the Lower Eastmain. The property is made up of 18 claims covering an area of 9.5 km 2. Subject to regulatory approval, Matamec will issue 250,000 treasury shares for the purchase.

The area of interest covers part of the Lac Village Batholith at the contact with a volcanic belt. When the Quebec Ministry of Natural Resources carried out a lake sediment geochemical survey in 1995, anomalous gold values (as much as 754 ppb Au) were reported.

For more information about Matamec, visit


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