NORTHERN ONTARIO - BEAUFIELD CONSOLIDATED RESOURCES of Ottawa has announced the discovery of a significant new gold anomaly on the Hemlo Trend. The anomaly was identified following an MMI soil geochemistry program conducted on Beaufield's JOA property. The claims are located along the regional Hemlo Shear zone, 15 km west of the original mines near Marathon.
Preliminary work has produced an MMI gold anomaly (greater than 40 times background) over a minimum of 200 metres strike length. The target anomaly, un-surveyed to the west, is within a broader 400-metre- by 500-metre-long gold anomaly, coincident with HSZ, in an area of 40- to 60-metre overburden and no previous drilling, according to Beaufield.
The Hemlo gold camp made news in the early 1980s with the discovery of reserves that led to the development of three mines. Together the David Bell, Golden Giant and Williams mines have turned out over 24 million oz of gold. Now that those mines are winding down (the Golden Giant mine is closed; David Bell mine is nearing the end of reserves), the discovery of another potential deposit is welcome.
Complete information about Beaufield's holdings near Hemlo may be found at