ONTARIO WESDOME GOLD MINES of Val d'Or is encouraged by the results of drilling at depth in the VC zone at its 100% owned Kiena gold mine. Assays cut to 34.28 g/t were the best from hole U-437: 7.02 g/t Au over a true width of 3.5 metres. Other selected holes returned values of 6.63 g/t over 8.9 metres, 5.99 g/t over 2.0 metres, 5.19 g/t over 11.1 metres and 4.29 g/t over 12.0 metres.
The VC zone is a high-priority target between the 570- and 640-metre levels and is currently being mined in between the 120 and 540 levels. Detailed definition drilling was required in order to facilitate mine planning and development below these levels. The first phase of this drilling is complete and confirmed the VC zone extends to the 640 level and still open at depth The drilling also revealed unexpected ore-grade values in the VC1 zone, as well as high-grade values in the VC4 zone and the hanging wall Schist zone.
Based on the success of this definition drilling, Wesdome plans to develop the 640-metre level for future production. More drilling is underway in order to determine if deeper development is warranted down to the 770 level and to define the VC4 and Schist zones. Production is also planned from an additional block of ore in the VC1 on the 250 level.
As well as detailed information about its Kiena and Eagle River mines, the Wesdome website includes a link to the gold entry in Wikipedia. Visit www.Wesdome.com, look for "Why Gold?" and click on Gold Wiki.