ONTARIO - Lake Shore Gold of Toronto reports that drilling on the 650 level of its Timmins gold mine has encountered some of the best intercepts to date. The company said that hole 650-127 intersected 13.55 g/t Au over 50.80 metres in a previously untested area between ultramafic and footwall zones below 650 level. Limited drilling to east and west and at depth indicates potential for resource expansion.
Additional drilling in the ultramafic zone confirmed the continuity of that mineralization and the potential for increased grades in material near the 525 level. Notable results were 61.35 g/t over 15.00 metres, including 122.65 g/t over 6.70 metres; 20.34 g/t over 14.50 metres; 18.84 g/t over 22.23 metres; 14.85 g/t over 18.00 metres; 16.23 g/t over 11.60 metres; and 11.59 g/t over 29.50 metres.
In the footwall zone near the 650 level continuity was confirmed by results such as 6.90 g/t over 11.35 metres; 7.74 g/t over 12.70 metres; 5.08 g/t over 19.90 metres; and 4.94 g/t over 22.20 metres.
The Timmins mine is to reach commercial production during Q4 2010. Approximately 50,000 oz will be produced this year (including pre-production).
Full results and a link to the plan view of the recent drill holes are available in the news release dated Aug. 10, 2010, at www.LSGold.com.